Instructor Guidelines for Incomplete Grades
This page contains information regarding IN grades, including recommendations on when and how to utilize them.
Quick Reminders
- Review REG 02.50.03 – Grades and Grade Point Average
- Assigning an Incomplete (IN) grade is not always appropriate. Additional options, left to the instructor’s discretion, could include:
- Assigning a passing grade, but lower than if the student completed all remaining coursework
- Assigning a failing grade
- Instructing the student to speak with their academic advisor regarding alternative options, which may include a course withdrawal or grade exclusion for undergraduates
- Understand all academic deadlines. If a student has a significant percentage of outstanding coursework, with a number of weeks remaining in the term, they may be encouraged to drop the course prior to the Drop/Revision Deadline.
- If an Incomplete (IN) is assigned but not resolved, it will turn to an F grade at the university deadline.
When to Assign an Incomplete (IN) Grade
Student has completed a significant portion of course work and is able to earn a passing grade
- Successful completion of more than 50% of all required coursework, which is a general recommendation that can vary by course.
- Successful completion of particular assignments, projects, or tests missed as a result of a documented serious event would enable the student to receive a passing grade (D for degree requirements at the undergraduate level, C for graduate level).
- The student’s upcoming term allows for the completion of required coursework. Adding another course to a full-time course load may not encourage student success.
Instructor has discussed this decision with the student, when possible
- An Incomplete (IN) can be helpful for students navigating extenuating personal circumstances and have a reasonable amount of course work remaining. Instructors should always discuss the option of an IN grade with a student prior to assigning. If this is not possible, the instructor should contact the student as soon as possible to discuss expectations.
Student will be able to access resources or instructor will provide an alternative to fulfill remaining course requirements
- Consider whether the student will need access to special facilities or software (ex: Maple, WebAssign, Moodle) to complete the remaining assignments or if there are alternative equivalent assignments that will fulfill the remaining course requirements.
- If the student requires accommodations or alternatives that are not possible, the student would need to consider whether it is best for them to accept an Incomplete (IN) grade. The student should seek guidance from their academic advisor if necessary.
Instructor will be able to maintain regular communication and provide timely feedback necessary for the student to complete the course within the following term
- Instructors should consider the amount of time they will need to provide feedback and resources for the student to complete the remaining course content prior to assigning an Incomplete (IN) grade.
After an Incomplete (IN) Has Been Assigned
Document the remaining course work and respective deadlines in an email to the student
- Document the remaining course work and respective deadlines in an email to the student. Instructors do have authority to request the work prior to the University deadline, but it is expected that they will clearly communicate expectations to the student.
- Identify and communicate the current grade in the course (i.e. grade if the student opted to complete no additional work).
- Consider utilizing a Course Completion Contract or Incomplete Grade Resolution Plan to lay out the timeline.
Secure access to resources and facilities as appropriate
- For those instructors that utilize a classroom management platform, such as Moodle, ensure that your student has access to the necessary materials to complete the course.
- Instructors using Moodle should request “Extended Access” for the student:
- Contact DELTA’s LearnTech help desk through the “Get Help” tab or at or 919.515.7094 and request that the Extended Access role be added.
- Provide the following information:
- Student’s name and/or Unity ID
- Course and section number
- Semester for which extended access is requested
- Choice of automated expiration date: (a) end of the current or upcoming Spring semester, or (b) end of the current or upcoming Fall semester
- The Extended Access role expires automatically after a semester, but the instructor can also contact LearnTech to arrange a more specific expiration date
- Instructors using Moodle should request “Extended Access” for the student:
- Coordinate access to any required labs or facilities.
Continue communication with the student
- The University will send an email to all students who have an outstanding Incomplete (IN) grade, however, instructors are also encouraged to send at least one reminder to the students regarding coursework completion. Otherwise, it is the student’s responsibility to submit the work on time and reach out to the instructor with questions.
Resolve the Incomplete (IN) Grade
Instructor updates the final grade in MyPack
- Once the student submits the work and the instructor determines a final grade, the instructor is responsible for updating the final grade in MyPack. Step-by-step instructions for submitting a grade change are available here.